Here, you will find information about the Trick or Trade pull rates. Therefore, you can use this information to make an informed decision about purchases of packs or boosters. If you would like me to display additional information based on the dataset that I have built, please post your comments below! Click here to find the pull rates for other expansions.
- Set: 2022 Trick or Trade BOOster Bundle
- Sample Size: 416 Cards
- Cards in Set: 30
- (News) Expansion Page: 2022 Trick or Trade

Trick or Trade Pull Rates
Number | Card Name | Rarity | Count | % Total |
103/189 | Ariados | Uncommon | 26 | 6.25% |
103/189 | Nickit | Common | 26 | 6.25% |
83/189 | Polteageist | Uncommon | 17 | 4.09% |
55/198 | Gastly | Common | 16 | 3.85% |
32/192 | Lampent | Uncommon | 15 | 3.61% |
58/189 | Misdreavus | Common | 15 | 3.61% |
73/198 | Hatterene | Rare | 15 | 3.61% |
77/203 | Gourgeist | Rare | 15 | 3.61% |
16/264 | Phantump | Common | 14 | 3.37% |
56/172 | Mewtwo | Rare | 14 | 3.37% |
81/189 | Mimikyu | Rare | 14 | 3.37% |
15/192 | Trevenant | Rare | 13 | 3.13% |
31/192 | Litwick | Common | 13 | 3.13% |
49/203 | Pikachu | Common | 13 | 3.13% |
60/172 | Duskull | Common | 13 | 3.13% |
69/163 | Cubone | Common | 13 | 3.13% |
76/203 | Pumpkaboo | Common | 13 | 3.13% |
82/189 | Sinistea | Common | 13 | 3.13% |
102/189 | Spinarak | Common | 12 | 2.88% |
105/189 | Darkrai | Rare | 12 | 2.88% |
18/73 | Hatenna | Common | 12 | 2.88% |
33/192 | Chandelure | Rare | 12 | 2.88% |
57/198 | Gengar | Rare | 12 | 2.88% |
59/189 | Mismagius | Rare | 12 | 2.88% |
89/163 | Zubat | Common | 12 | 2.88% |
61/172 | Dusclops | Uncommon | 11 | 2.64% |
62/172 | Dusknoir | Rare | 11 | 2.64% |
72/198 | Hattrem | Uncommon | 11 | 2.64% |
93/163 | Murkrow | Common | 11 | 2.64% |
56/198 | Haunter | Uncommon | 10 | 2.40% |