Here, you will find information about the Paradox Rift pull rates. Therefore, you can use this information to make an informed decision about purchases of packs or boosters. If you would like me to display additional information based on the dataset that I have built, please post your comments below! Click here to find the pull rates for other expansions.
- Set: Paradox Rift Pull Rates (Scarlet & Violet)
- Sample Size: 2160 Cards
- Cards in Set: 267
- Official Expansion Page: Scarlet & Violet – Paradox Rift

Paradox Rift Pull Rates
Number | Card Name | Rarity | Count | % Total |
54 | Veluza | Uncommon | 21 | 0.97% |
142 | Porygon | Common | 20 | 0.93% |
19 | Magby | Common | 20 | 0.93% |
119 | Nickit | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
152 | Swablu | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
20 | Pansear | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
23 | Fuecoco | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
24 | Crocalor | Uncommon | 19 | 0.88% |
30 | Horsea | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
37 | Snorunt | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
6 | Dwebble | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
67 | Oricorio | Common | 19 | 0.88% |
86 | Scream Tail | Uncommon | 19 | 0.88% |
106 | Flamigo | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
110 | Zubat | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
113 | Absol | Uncommon | 18 | 0.83% |
116 | Trubbish | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
127 | Ferroseed | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
129 | Durant | Uncommon | 18 | 0.83% |
141 | Tatsugiri | Uncommon | 18 | 0.83% |
145 | Aipom | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
157 | Cyclizar | Uncommon | 18 | 0.83% |
33 | Remoraid | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
4 | Pansage | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
43 | Vanillite | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
56 | Iron Bundle | Uncommon | 18 | 0.83% |
59 | Elekid | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
69 | Toxel | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
75 | Yamask | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
91 | Gligar | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
94 | Gible | Common | 18 | 0.83% |
1 | Surskit | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
10 | Blipbug | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
114 | Purrloin | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
148 | Whismur | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
35 | Feebas | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
39 | Mantyke | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
41 | Panpour | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
55 | Dondozo | Uncommon | 17 | 0.79% |
60 | Plusle | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
62 | Blitzle | Uncommon | 17 | 0.79% |
71 | Natu | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
77 | Pumpkaboo | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
8 | Bounsweet | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
9 | Steenee | Uncommon | 17 | 0.79% |
90 | Onix | Common | 17 | 0.79% |
99 | Minior | Uncommon | 17 | 0.79% |
107 | Slither Wing | Uncommon | 16 | 0.74% |
138 | Orthworm | Uncommon | 16 | 0.74% |
151 | Spinda | Common | 16 | 0.74% |
64 | Joltik | Common | 16 | 0.74% |
162 | Defiance Vest | Uncommon | 15 | 0.69% |
179 | Technical Machine: Turbo Energize | Uncommon | 15 | 0.69% |
160 | Counter Catcher | Uncommon | 14 | 0.65% |
164 | Future Booster Energy Capsule | Uncommon | 14 | 0.65% |
171 | Professor Turo’s Scenario | Uncommon | 14 | 0.65% |
2 | Masquerain | Uncommon | 14 | 0.65% |
53 | Wugtrio | Uncommon | 14 | 0.65% |
96 | Mienfoo | Common | 14 | 0.65% |
150 | Exploud | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
159 | Ancient Booster Energy Capsule | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
167 | Mela | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
168 | Norman | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
176 | Technical Machine: Blindside | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
180 | Techno Radar | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
45 | Vanilluxe | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
65 | Galvantula | Common | 13 | 0.60% |
78 | Gourgeist | Uncommon | 13 | 0.60% |
117 | Garbodor | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
128 | Ferrothorn | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
13 | Nymble | Common | 12 | 0.56% |
161 | Cursed Duster | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
166 | Luxurious Cape | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
17 | Toedscruel | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
170 | Professor Sada’s Vitality | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
172 | Rika | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
173 | Roark | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
175 | Snorlax Doll | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
177 | Technical Machine: Devolution | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
178 | Technical Machine: Evolution | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
181 | Tulip | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
182 | Medical Energy | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
25 | Charcadet | Common | 12 | 0.56% |
42 | Simipour | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
5 | Simisage | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
51 | Wiglett | Common | 12 | 0.56% |
61 | Minun | Common | 12 | 0.56% |
85 | Tinkaton | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
92 | Gliscor | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
97 | Mienshao | Uncommon | 12 | 0.56% |
102 | Nacli | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
103 | Naclstack | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
105 | Klawf | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
112 | Crobat | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
12 | Orbeetle | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
126 | Jirachi | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
130 | Honedge | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
131 | Honedge | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
132 | Doublade | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
133 | Doublade | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
143 | Porygon2 | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
146 | Ambipom | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
15 | Toedscool | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
153 | Tandemaus | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
16 | Toedscool | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
163 | Earthen Vessel | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
174 | Shauntal | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
21 | Simisear | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
31 | Seadra | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
34 | Octillery | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
63 | Zebstrika | Uncommon | 11 | 0.51% |
7 | Crustle | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
79 | Flittle | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
87 | Gimmighoul | Common | 11 | 0.51% |
101 | Nacli | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
11 | Dottler | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
111 | Golbat | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
115 | Liepard | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
14 | Nymble | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
147 | Miltank | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
149 | Loudred | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
154 | Tandemaus | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
169 | Parasol Lady | Uncommon | 10 | 0.46% |
26 | Charcadet | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
44 | Vanillish | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
47 | Wimpod | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
48 | Wimpod | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
52 | Wiglett | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
82 | Tinkatink | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
83 | Tinkatink | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
84 | Tinkatuff | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
88 | Gimmighoul | Common | 10 | 0.46% |
104 | Garganacl | Rare | 9 | 0.42% |
165 | Larry | Common | 9 | 0.42% |
18 | Wo | Rare | 9 | 0.42% |
32 | Kingdra | Rare | 9 | 0.42% |
36 | Milotic | Rare | 9 | 0.42% |
40 | Palkia | Rare | 9 | 0.42% |
80 | Flittle | Common | 9 | 0.42% |
95 | Gabite | Common | 9 | 0.42% |
109 | Ting | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
120 | Thievul | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
121 | Morpeko | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
122 | Lokix | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
123 | Brute Bonnet | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
144 | Porygon | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
22 | Volcanion | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
28 | Iron Moth | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
29 | Chi | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
49 | Golisopod | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
57 | Chien | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
66 | Zekrom | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
72 | Xatu | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
74 | Deoxys | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
81 | Espathra | Rare | 8 | 0.37% |
118 | Yveltal | Rare | 7 | 0.32% |
125 | Steelix | Rare | 7 | 0.32% |
134 | Aegislash | Rare | 7 | 0.32% |
73 | Latios | Rare | 7 | 0.32% |
136 | Zacian | Rare | 6 | 0.28% |
158 | Iron Jugulis | Rare | 6 | 0.28% |
93 | Groudon | Rare | 6 | 0.28% |
108 | Sandy Shocks ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
135 | Aegislash ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
137 | Skeledirge ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
139 | Gholdengo ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
140 | Altaria ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
156 | Bombirdier ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
200 | Mienshao | Illustration Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
210 | Aegislash | Illustration Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
27 | Armarouge ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
3 | Froslass ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
38 | Garchomp ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
46 | Tsareena ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
50 | Golisopod ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
58 | Mewtwo ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
70 | Iron Hands ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
76 | Cofagrigus ex | Double Rare | 2 | 0.09% |
100 | Toxtricity ex | Double Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
124 | Roaring Moon ex | Double Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
155 | Maushold ex | Double Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
183 | Crustle | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
184 | Dottler | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
185 | Toedscruel | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
188 | Snorunt | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
190 | Vanillish | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
191 | Wimpod | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
195 | Blitzle | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
196 | Joltik | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
199 | Groudon | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
203 | Slither Wing | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
207 | Brute Bonnet | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
209 | Ferrothorn | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
215 | Cyclizar | Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
217 | Froslass ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
218 | Armarouge ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
219 | Garchomp ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
222 | Tapu Koko ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
224 | Cofagrigus ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
225 | Iron Valiant ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
229 | Roaring Moon ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
231 | Gholdengo ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
234 | Bombirdier ex | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
237 | Norman | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
238 | Parasol Lady | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
239 | Professor Sada’s Vitality | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
240 | Professor Turo’s Scenario | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
243 | Shauntal | Ultra Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
245 | Garchomp ex | Special Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
247 | Tapu Koko ex | Special Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
249 | Iron Valiant ex | Special Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
257 | Professor Turo’s Scenario | Special Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
258 | Rika | Special Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
259 | Tulip | Special Illustration Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
266 | Reversal Energy | Hyper Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
68 | Tapu Koko ex | Double Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
89 | Iron Valiant ex | Double Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
98 | Hoopa ex | Double Rare | 1 | 0.05% |
186 | Magby | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
187 | Iron Moth | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
189 | Mantyke | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
192 | Veluza | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
193 | Plusle | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
194 | Minun | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
197 | Espathra | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
198 | Gimmighoul | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
201 | Minior | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
202 | Garganacl | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
204 | Garbodor | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
205 | Yveltal | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
206 | Morpeko | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
208 | Steelix | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
211 | Aipom | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
212 | Loudred | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
213 | Swablu | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
214 | Porygon | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
216 | Iron Jugulis | Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
220 | Tsareena ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
221 | Golisopod ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
223 | Iron Hands ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
226 | Hoopa ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
227 | Toxtricity ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
228 | Sandy Shocks ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
230 | Aegislash ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
232 | Altaria ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
233 | Maushold ex | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
235 | Larry | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
236 | Mela | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
241 | Rika | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
242 | Roark | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
244 | Tulip | Ultra Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
246 | Golisopod ex | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
248 | Iron Hands ex | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
250 | Sandy Shocks ex | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
251 | Roaring Moon ex | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
252 | Gholdengo ex | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
253 | Altaria ex | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
254 | Mela | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
255 | Parasol Lady | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
256 | Professor Sada’s Vitality | Special Illustration Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
260 | Garchomp ex | Hyper Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
261 | Iron Valiant ex | Hyper Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
262 | Roaring Moon ex | Hyper Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
263 | Beach Court | Hyper Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
264 | Counter Catcher | Hyper Rare | 0 | 0.00% |
265 | Luxurious Cape | Hyper Rare | 0 | 0.00% |